Hockey Stick Blade Chart

Hockey Stick Blade Chart
Type Of Curve Description Brand Examples Specs
Mid-Toe The heel curve has most of the curve at the last ⅓ of the blade. Good for toe drags, puck control and lifting the puck quickly. Bauer: P92
CCM: P29
Warrior: P03
True: TC2
Curve: Mid
Size: Big
Face: Open
Lie: 5-6
Toe: Round
Toe A toe curve is a curve with most of the curve being at the top ⅓ of the blade. Good for toe drags, puck control and lifting the puck quickly. Bauer: P28
CCM: P28
Warrior: W28
True: TC4
Curve: Mid/Toe
Size: Big
Face: Open
Lie: 5-6
Toe: Round
Mid The mid curve is a blade that curves in the middle of the blade. Good for wrist shot, and puck handling. Bauer: P88
CCM: P88
Warrior: P88
True: MC
Curve: Mid
Size: Medium
Face: Slight Open
Lie: 4-5
Toe: Round
Mid-Heel Good for passing, puck handling on fore and back hand. Bauer: PM9
CCM: P14/P15
Warrior: W01
True: MC2
Curve: Mid-Heel
Size: Small
Face: Closed
Lie: 5
Toe: Round


Bauer Stick Pattern Chart

CCM Stick Pattern Chart

Warrior Stick Pattern Chart

True Stick Pattern Chart

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Easton Stick Pattern Chart